"In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Rewilded Definition


Rewilded Being’ is a term that was coined by me, Dr Bridget O’Neill Kruger, to embody the model of well-being I have been developing as a product of my years of professional practice and integrated training as well as my own journey of life, growth, healing, integration and self-actualisation.


Rewilded Being’ is defined as a way of life and being that restores us to our natural state of self and well-being by placing us back into connection with ourselves, others (of both our own and other species’) and Nature.

Rewilded Being is achieved and supported by cultivating certain habits, behaviours, mindsets and heart spaces that generate connection, relationality, ecological humility & respect, personal awareness & accountability, compassion and kindness. This way of being enables an optimised level of health, well-being and thriving for the individual as well as others, Nature, and the Planet.


Promoting a state of Rewilded Being is the calling of my life and practice. In this way, my therapeutic approach and work with individuals, couples and groups are all infused and underpinned by this model of well-being.

Embracing a state of Rewilded Being in my own life has also prompted me to redesign the way I work and practice to align even more authentically with that which I personally and professionally believe to be not only effective but also necessary for healing and growth. At the core of it all lies CONNECTION. Connection with ourselves, other humans, other species and Nature.


“When people go within and connect with themselves, they realise they are connected to the universe and they are connected to all living things.”

- Armand DiMele

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